Prophetic Harp and a Golden Bowl

Instrumental Harp CD – “A Prophetic Harp and a Golden Bowl”

International prophetic harp instructor, Michael-David, invites you to experience a taste of the heavenlies through these Spirit-breathed songs.

This music is well suited for your own times of personal devotions, for use during times of prayer and altar calls, and special moments that call for healing and deliverance. SEE VIDEO ON THIS PROJECT BELOW

Watch the video on the making the of the CD “A Prophetic Harp and a Golden Bowl”. Students from the Jerusalem School of the Prophetic Harp are featured on tracks 5, 6 and 9, where 14 harpists worshiped on the Mount of Olives for 30 days.


Endorsement from David Van Koevering


Ray Hughes, my close friend and often co-speaker, called me a while back and shared his experience with harpist Michael-David. Ray has the unique consciousness of true worship and spiritual position for psalmists creating the sounds and music that Yahweh inhabits!

I immediately called Michael and encouraged he and his wife, Zsiporah, to meet with me at the home of Johnny Berguson in PA, founder and president of Kingdom, Inc.

When we met, all that Ray Hughes had said and much more regarding Michael-David’s music and ministry was so clearly evident.

I have heard world class harpists from all across the land and several from around the world. Michael-David’s music and spirit are so filled with the authority of God that Becky and I, including our Executive Staff, Rev. Stan and Nancy Patterson, were deeply moved.

Most of you reading this know who I am and know something about what Ray Hughes and I teach. I endorse this CD, the ministry, and the man behind this music totally! You will experience from Michael’s CD a live and spirit changing level of higher bandwidth and God consciousness. Go there…  Get this powerful CD now…  This will change your home and your future.

David Van Koevering, Elsewhen Research, Inc.


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